Fuel and Double Tank System
There is extremely good news when it comes to refueling in Namibia, some-one else does all the work for you although it is probably worth making sure the petrol attendant uses the correct fuel for your engine!
The attendant will also happily wash your windows, check your oil & water and inflate your tires. Generally it is considered good form to tip the attendant before leaving the petrol station.
The network of service stations is very good with most small towns having at least one. Petrol stations will generally have a shop attached.
95-Oktan – N$ 20.80 (+5 ct)
Diesel 50 ppm (premium) – N$ 24.10
Please note: Generally fuel can be paid in cash only! Since September 2011 more and more petrol stations allow paying fuel with credit cards. No Garage or Fuel Cards are accepted anymore as of April 2014.
Upon pick up of the vehicle you will get a Map of Namibia where all the Service Stations are marked.
All our Sedan Vehicles have to be fueled with 95 Oktan/Unleaded Fuel.
All the 4x4 Vehicles have to be fueled with preferably 50ppm Diesel.
All have a Double Tank System.
Since you dont refill/refuel??? your vehicle yourself you will have to mention to the Attendant that the vehicle you are travelling with in deed has a Double Tank System.
The fuel tanks are joined and fuelled into the existing (only one) filler pipe.
Once the main tank is full, fuel will start filling the second tank.
The fuel gauge only shows the amount of fuel that is in the main tank.
When both tanks are filled the gauge will show full, until the second tank is empty. Only then the needle on the fuel gauge will start moving towards empty.
Main Tank = 80L / Second Tank = 60 L (ONLY Toyota Hilux 4x4’s)